Yacht Lobsters
Friday | May 10, 2024
in The Warehouse
This performance is currently SOLD OUT Waitlist Add yourself to our waitlist to stay up to date with any additional ticket releases for this event.
What You Need to Know
Onsale Schedule
Primo Presale  Mon 2/5 | 12PM
Classic Presale  Thu 2/8 | 12PM
Public Onsale  Fri 2/9 | 12PM
General Admission - Standing

Standard $36
$28 + $8 Convenience Fee
Member $31
$23 + $8 Convenience Fee
Fees apply to phone & internet purchases
Show Schedule
7PM  Doors
8PM  Yacht Lobsters
Times subject to change

More On This Event
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Study Up
Established 2022 in New York City, the Yacht Lobsters sail the waves of the butteriest Soft Rock of the 70's and early 80's. Their big sound recreates - and at times reimagines - the studio mastery of retro-rock icons like Steely Dan, the Doobie Brothers, Hall & Oates, Toto, etc. It's the breezy Yacht Rock cool vibe you know and love, fused with stellar vocals, a full horn section and unique elements of NOLA funk, classic rock and jazz improvisation to keep things bouncy, set your mood to festive and ensure your boat's a-rockin'. There's even a tasteful smattering of original music that sounds like it stepped right out of 1978. Founded by the visionary team behind Brother Joscephus and the Love Revolution, the Lobster roster features NYC's finest professional musicians who have played together for decades. Grab your captain's hat, make that Pina Colada a double and climb aboard!